Thursday, December 18, 2014

Making and Saving Money While Going to School

The best part about starting college? Newfound independence. One of the worst parts about

college? Feeling as if you never have any money.

With all the freedom of college comes the new responsibility of adulthood which is why it’s important to start practicing healthy financial habits of making and spending money. There are plenty of ways to do this without sacrificing study time or missing out a great college experience.

Online Habits Can Make You Money

Believe it or not, the time you spend procrastinating on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can earn you money and give you valuable writing experience. In fact, you could potentially earn $100 a month acting as a social media expert by hiring yourself out writing Facebook posts, Tweets, and blog posts for companies in need of social content. Or, with time and dedication, you can earn money by producing your own blog, although it may take a few years to develop your own personal brand.

Get Creative With Your Own Talents

Love knitting? Photography? Are you talented at transforming old thrift store finds into something new and wonderful? You’d be surprised at how selling your creation on sites like Etsy, Ebay, and Craigslist or at local craft shows can make you some quick cash!


Are you a music student? Majoring in Chemistry? Or Latin perhaps? Offer lessons to other students or to the local community. This way, you get to make some dough while teaching others to do something you love and are already skilled in.


Being a student often means having limited space in a small dorm. It also means moving around a great deal. Why hold on to a bunch of things you don’t really need when you can sell them for much-needed cash? Secondhand shops typically accept gently used clothes for money or for store credit. Online sites like Amazon and Chegg often give you better deals on old textbooks than campus bookstores. Many colleges even have community Facebook groups where you can swap anything from last semester’s textbooks to old futons with other students on campus.

Part-time Jobs and Side Gigs

No job is too small. The same jobs you held in high school can still earn you money now; don’t overlook them. A part-time retail or restaurant job can bring in some cash and help you build character and discipline. Also, make sure to check out your campus’ work study options and research group opportunities for money.

Save Money, Stay Healthy

Craving a little physical activity? Take advantage of your campus athletic facility. Many Health/Fitness majors teach classes at part of an academic requirement, so consider learning from with your peers. If organized team sports are more your thing, join an intramural. Reluctant to leave your dorm? You can even stream many workouts on YouTube for free.

Affordable Entertainment

With access to thousands of shows, movie, and documentaries for free or for less than $10 a month though Netflix, Hulu, and soon HBOgo, paying for monthly cable and satellite fees make less and less sense. You can even split the cost of a subscription with your roommates to cut down even more on fees.

Track What You Spend

Free phone apps like Mint and Level Money help you keep tabs on what you spend at the grocery store, the mall, and restaurants. They make it nearly impossible for you to question where your money goes every month.

Learn How to Budget

It is never too soon to build a savings account or learn how to budget your income. Any money you receive from your parents, financial aid, and your job can be used for your savings. Figure out how much you should put towards your cell phone bill, towards going out, or towards your student loans every month. Setting these priorities now will help you build a stable financial future.

So there you have it - some solid, collegiate building blocks to set you on the right path. Have a particular strategy that helps you save your pennies? Leave us a comment and tell us about it!

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