The time has come for the fifth annual Hops for Hunger event! The event takes place March 25th at the Solar Arts Building in Minneapolis. Proceeds will go to the Southern Anoka Community Assistance Food Shelf and Thrift Store.
Join us from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for beer selections from 21 local brewers, delicious food from Chowgirls Killer Catering, music by Analog Drifters & The Travelin’ Mobury’s, a silent auction, and a beer wall. For ticket information, visit
At this year’s event, make it a goal to become a beer connoisseur! Use our simple guide below to learn how to taste and distinguish beers like a pro:
Know Your Beers
If you have tried certain beers in the past and didn’t like them, take this chance to try out some new beers. Beer can come in a nearly endless variety of styles. With common domestic and foreign beers as well as hundreds of microbreweries, there’s a solid chance that the perfect pint is out there waiting for you. Take a look at this Huffington Post beer guide for a quick lesson on some of the more common beer types.
Pour it Out
Pouring your drink into a glass will help release the aromas and CO2. This will help you better experience the full flavor and body of the beer.
Check the Temperature
Drinking beer at the correct temperature can change the way you experience a beer. While a cold one straight from the fridge can be an undeniably satisfying treat on a warm day, many lighter beers—lagers, pilsners, and blondes—actually taste better at 33-45 degrees. Dark and strong beers, like stouts and porters, are best at room temperature. And in case you need a reminder, chill your beer instead of icing it or drinking it from a frosted glass, both of which can spoil the flavor.
What Aromas do You Smell?
Your sense of smell is an important factor in how you experience certain events, and with beer tasting, it’s no different. When tasting a beer, begin by swirling it around in the glass. This stimulates and releases carbonation that can help carry the aroma up to your nose. What notes can you detect? Caramel? Coffee? Does it smell like citrus, pine, or florals? These notes all tell you something different about the beer.
With a well-poured beer, there are certain features that can clue you in on the quality. If a beer has a good head retention, (the foam doesn’t collapse) it is an indication that it’s a well-crafted beer. If your beer leaves a “Belgian lace” pattern indicated by a lace-like pattern on the glass, this is another sign of a quality-made beer.
Tasting Time
Similar to wine tasting, there can be many complex notes in your beer. Swirl the beer in your mouth before consuming in order to take note of the flavors. Let it coat your tongue and the top of your throat before swallowing. How intense are the flavors? Is it well-balanced? What is the mouthfeel like? Mouthfeel can describe the texture and weight of a beer. Is it light or heavy? Is it too carbonated?
What’s the finish?
Take a second after you finish your sip. Is it sweet or bitter? What taste lingers in your mouth? How intense is it? Does any taste linger at all? Most importantly, was it satisfying? This will tell you a great deal about your brew.
Financial One Credit Union is a proud sponsor of the fifth Annual Hops for Hunger event. We hope to see you this year, and hopefully, we were able to give you some new tricks to taste each delicious brew!